Author: Peggy Park Rev.Anil Jasper is a Full Time ordained Minister of Church of Pakistan. He translated and published this book in Urdu language in 2009. At this point nearly 10,000 copies have been distributed among needy folk. Pray for our future needs and reaching to the needy souls in Pakistan.
ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL INHERITANCE SECURITY By Pastor Anil Jasper Introduction When peter was being sad due to the thought of physical separation with Jesus Christ, he was given divine assurance of eternal security by Jesus. His peace is not limited with time. His assurance is linked with the most stunning event that will happen in the near future. At this time whole world is in search of peace. Especially in the midst of turmoil and fearsome events believing in the promises of Christ can give us peace and stablility. (A)- ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL SECURITY IS CHRIST’s PEACE : Jesus said "Let not your heart be troubled" World is facing worse situation. A Greek word "Kardia" and Hebrew word "Leb" means mind, will and emotions. The world has lost its grip on the unholy plans of terrorism........Suicidal attacks. There is no peace in the world....The nations and kingdoms are busy in wars. And ...